Stereotyping and stories

Last week I went to a seminar called « Ethnicity at Work » in London. I learned that minority ethnic groups in the UK struggle to grasp the networking model and “political behaviour” that is fairly common in the business world today – and therefore they lose out on career opportunities. Another consequence is the creation of “in- and out-groups” and stereotypes are reinforced; “they are not like us”.

One of the participants recommended having a look at a TED video with the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (“Half of a Yellow Sun”). Having read the book, I thought it would be a tough emotional experience, but instead I felt enriched and inspired by her talk “The danger of a single story”. So, rather than reading my reflections about the topic, I invite you to watch this video (almost 20 minutes) and ask yourself afterwards:

–        In what way do single stories impact generalizations and stereotypes?

–        What single story do you often hear about ethnic groups in your country? How can you access more stories?

Chimamanda is a speaker with reflective humour. Enjoy !

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